Now let me introduce your wonderful, dedicated, hardworking, not to mention incredibly gorgeous CHAPTER BOARD!!!
*President: Maia Blume
*Membership VP: Liz Koslov
*Communications VP: Liz Koslov
*Social Action/Tikun Olam (SA/TO) VP: Liz Koslov
*Religion/Education VP: yup, you guessed it...Liz Koslov
*Israeli Affairs VP: Maia Blume (YAY ISRAEL!)
If you have any questions, comments, don't know us, or just want to talk cause we're really cool, then email us, or IM us!
You can also call Temple Beth-El at 273-5775 and they will give us a message so we can get back to you.
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So what is USY? Why is it so cool that you should be spending your time doing it? Trust me, there are so many things that make it totally worth it, and on this site you can find out about all of them.